Earth Era Blog

I summarize the many spiralling aspects of my life with “one face, many facets” – journalist, broadcaster, event facilitator, mediator, part time model, occasional actress, sustainability activist, green councillor and reluctant politician. I’m a certified Kundalini yoga teacher and shamanic practitioner. More recently after joining the Songwriter’s Journey with the Brothers Koren I discovered that I’m also an artist and songwriter. I love Earth, my partner, my cats and my garden where I grow my own food. (I also suspect somewhere within me is a bard of ancient days with a long beard.)

From all these threads I weave my writing, rhyming and singing to help bring the dream a new Earth Era into being. My dream goes way beyond just sustainability: Earth Era will be an era of thriving, wellbeing and kindness where Nature and mankind truly are in balance. This the focus of my first ever song “The Queen”* and my Earth Era blog on Medium:

*to be released on 21 June 2023